Bakersfield Lyft & Uber Accident Lawyer

Trusted Lyft and Uber Accident Lawyer in Bakersfield, CA

You may be wondering what your rights are if you were a passenger in an Uber or Lyft rideshare vehicle and an accident occurs or if you were driving and you’re hit by a negligent Lyft or Uber driver. In either case, you have the right to seek compensation for injuries sustained from the accident.

Experienced Bakersfield Uber accident lawyers and Lyft accident lawyers understand that victims of ridesharing services have additional protections and insurance coverage in the case of a Lyft or Uber accident. They will know just how to proceed with a successful claim.

Contact Horizon Accident Lawyers today to schedule your free consultation. Our legal professionals will guide you through filing a personal injury claim and make sure you’re fully and fairly getting the compensation you’re owed.

Why Hire Horizon Accident Lawyers?

Taking on an insurance claim against Uber or Lyft is not an easy task for an injured victim. Regrettably, ridesharing businesses have a history of vigorously contesting accident claims and holding themselves accountable. It may be difficult to convince the corporation to grant you a settlement for your injuries, even as an innocent passenger.

However, retaining the services of an experienced Uber and Lyft accident lawyer from our firm can help you level up and significantly increase your chances of winning your Uber or Lyft case.

Rideshare companies have the funding and resources to fight accident claims. This will make it difficult for the average person to win an accident claim against such large companies.  When you retain our attorneys for your case, not only will your chances of winning your case improve, but you can also expect the following from us:

  • Committed and dedicated service – We help defend the injured in Bakersfield against huge corporations such as Uber and Lyft
  • High winning success rate – We know how to recover full compensation for your losses, regardless of the scenario
  • Free consultation service – We offer a free case evaluation to discuss your case and determine how much it may be worth
  • No win, no fee guarantee – You won’t have to pay for any legal fees unless we can successfully recover compensation
  • 24/7 availability – We can help Bakersfield Uber accident victims day or nights and on weekends

Benefits of Using a Lyft & Uber Accident Lawyer

Uber and Lyft accident lawyers are well-versed in the legal process. Having a guide to answer questions and navigate the different legal nuances is essential during a stressful period. It is essential to have a lawyer looking out for your best interests with a procedure involving multiple self-interested parties fraught with complications. Additional benefits of hiring an Uber accident attorney are:

Experience in personal injury cases

The primary objective of an insurance company is to resolve claims while also paying out the least amount of money possible. As a result, you may be pressured to agree to a low settlement. This should never be accepted, especially if your injuries have not fully developed and your healing treatment hasn’t concluded. Your Lyft and Uber accident lawyer can advise you on how to deal with insurance providers and negotiate for maximum compensation on your behalf.

Take the case to trial

An Uber and Lyft accident lawyer will first attempt to reach a favorable settlement out of court. However, an experienced lawyer will know when to decide if a settlement is worth agreeing on or if an official trial should take place. Either option can result in an ideal outcome. If pursuing a personal injury lawsuit in court is the more viable option, you will need a lawyer with courtroom experience who has worked in front of a judge and jury. Our personal injury attorney is fully equipped to handle such a case and has extensive experience in litigation.

Protect your rights

When you are injured in a rideshare accident, the firm representing the driver will put their interests first. This means the corporation will attempt to avoid responsibility for the disaster and settle for the lowest possible cost. An Uber or Lyft accident attorney can speak directly with the company to protect your best interests.

While the legal process is complicated, retaining the services of a ridesharing accident attorney makes the process easy and fast.

Damages in an Uber Accident and Lyft Accident

When a passenger gets injured during a ridesharing trip, the passenger should receive compensation for injuries. This form of reimbursement is referred to as “damages.” If a lawsuit is settled before deciding on going to court, then a “settlement” has been agreed on. If the matter proceeds to trial, the jury will render a decision regarding compensation, referred to as a “verdict.”

Victims of motor vehicle accidents are entitled to compensation. In addition, they may even be entitled to punitive damages when the defendant is punished to a greater extent.

Economic damages are meant to reimburse a victim for their out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of their injury. Typically, the sum is easily quantifiable, and compensation may include (but is not limited to) the following medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages of past earnings or future income.

Non-economic damages are pain and suffering, distress and trauma on an emotional level, and loss of consortium. A jury may award the victim any amount they believe is justified in light of the evidence and the victim’s expected losses.

What Causes Lyft and Uber Accidents?

As with every other vehicle accident in Bakersfield, there are a variety of possible causes. When rideshare drivers take the wheel of their vehicle, they are legally required to operate it in a safe manner and with their complete attention on the road. When Lyft or Uber drivers don’t adhere to this, catastrophic accidents might occur.

Driver negligence is a primary cause of automobile accidents in the United States, but there are also other reasons as to why these types of car accidents occur, such as:

  • Excessive speeding/reckless driving
  • Drunk/drugged driving
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Texting while driving
  • Using other electronic devices while driving
  • Disregarding traffic signs/signals

How Is Liability Determined in an Uber Accident?

One of the reasons that a rideshare accident claim can be more complicated is because the Uber or Lyft driver is driving passengers in their personal car and not a “company” car. Therefore, multiple parties and insurance providers may be involved in the case. If you’ve been harmed in a Lyft vehicle accident, the best line of action is to immediately contact Horizon Accident Lawyers.

Because Uber and Lyft can be liable in a case, you may be required to make an insurance claim with the rideshare companies, as well as with the at-fault driver or other involved parties.

Uber or Lyft can be held liable for an accident if they were negligent when hiring their contracted driver, failed to provide adequate training, or did not enforce safety policies and regulations. Employers are accountable for the errors of their on-duty workers under vicarious responsibility, but Uber/Lyft designate their drivers as independent contractors rather than workers. Sometimes, this allows the companies to escape lawsuits. However, these laws continue to change in California.

For the most up-to-date information, contact one of our Bakersfield personal injury lawyers today.

Common Car Accident Injuries

The injuries sustained from an accident in Lyft and Uber vehicles can be serious enough to cause long-term or permanent disability, such as brain damage or paralysis. Psychological trauma may also occur as a result of witnessing a catastrophic accident.

A Bakersfield Uber accident lawyer can assist you in obtaining appropriate medical treatment, documenting your injuries, and pursuing the compensation you require to make a complete recovery. The following are common injuries sustained in ridesharing accidents:

  • Cuts and severe lacerations
  • Significant bruising
  • Severed limbs and amputation
  • TBI and severe brain injuries
  • Soft tissues injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Injuries to the back and spinal cord
  • Chest and rib fractures
  • Emotional distress and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Leg and knee injuries
  • Internal bleeding

A significant injury may result in expensive medical bills in the thousands of dollars, which may include follow-up doctor visits, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. Even a minor accident can result in substantial medical expenses, as well as agony and suffering. It should not fall on the victims to cover these hefty costs. This is why Horizon Accident Lawyers fight to get our clients maximum compensation.

What to Do After Being Involved in an Uber Accident or Lyft Accident

Safety should be your top priority, so assure that you leave the vehicle and get to a safe spot and out of traffic. Conduct an immediate examination of yourself for injuries, but only if you feel well enough to do so.

Contact the police and request an ambulance if anyone has been gravely hurt. Even if you do not appear to be hurt, get medical assistance immediately. Due to shock, you may not realize at the time how badly injured you actually are. Get a copy of the police report and get the assisting officer’s name and badge number.

Make sure that you have accurate information on your Uber driver, including his or her name, license number, and insurance information, as well as the names and contact information of any other parties or witnesses to the accident.

If feasible, take pictures of any visible injuries and damage to all vehicles involved. Take note of the location and time of the Uber/Lyft accident. Then, get in touch with  Horizon Accident Lawyers. We will provide a 100% free consultation, discuss your case options, and estimate how much your case may be worth.

Contact Us

We are well-versed in handling these situations to the benefit of our clients. We want to change the ridesharing sector and how insurance companies handle these claims. A Lyft and Uber accident lawyer is waiting to assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation.